Title: Eco-textile Art
Artist: Nargiz Galib Andersen
Curator: OFAM
Start: 15 May 2020
Status: Permanent Exhibition
Format: Video

The Artist_ Nargiz Galib Andersen

Born in Ganja, Azerbaijan, Nargiz Galib Andersen is currently based in Copenhagen, Denmark. This multifaceted artist and ilustrator has exhibited her works in several countries including Turkey, Azerbaijan, Denmark and Norway. She has also ilustrated books and magazines. In her artistic career, she has experimented with diferent creative processes, themes and materials exploring various disciplines such as drawing, painting, installation art and video art.

Facebook: @nargizkunst

The Exhibition Overview_ ECO-TEXTILE ART: Craft meets Art
"I am applying carpets and rugs... made out of plastic bags... plastic bags, that I cut in long strips and made threads out of... I used different weaving and knitting techniques." Nargiz Galib Andersen
ECO-TEXTILE ART is a virtual exhibition showing artist Nargiz Galib Andersen's take on textile arts. The selected pieces that conform the exhibition were made out of unusual materials such as plastic bags and its resulting threads. The knitting process becomes an exploration of colour, shapes and techniques resulting in the communion of craft and art. The resulting artistic tension questions old and new concepts in arts: recycling and beauty, process vs. result, technique and expression.

The Exhibition_

En español_ MArO
